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What to do in Nusa Penida in 3 or 4 days ?

nusa penida bali

Article mis à jour le 10 Jan 2024

What to see and do in Nusa Penida in 3 days?

Nusa Penida was a big hit during our trip to Bali ! We LOVED it. This island, 30 minutes by boat from Bali, is ideal if you dream of adventure. There we were far away from mass tourism.

Before telling you what to do in Nusa Penida, we let you discover a taste of this paradise on earth in 2 minutes 30 of video. Watch out for your eyes!

How to get to Nusa Penida from Bali ?

You understood it, it is necessary to take a boat to reach Nusa Penida from Bali.

The simplest option, and the most expensive, is the speed boat from Sanur or Padang Bai. Plan 35 minutes of crossing and 700 000 RP (42€) for 2 people. Small tip : do not order your tickets beforehand ! Whether by hotel, taxi, tour operator or carrier pigeon, it will always be more expensive than directly at the port! This saved us 400 000 RP (24€). Especially as the pier is so easy to find and you cannot miss the ticket kiosk. The prices are obviously fixed, no possible bargain.

The second option is to take a “public boat”, also in Sanur, but the crossing takes 90 minutes and there is no timetable. The boats only leave once they are full. Price is 400,000 RP (24€) return trip for 2. As much as we often pay attention to the budget, this time we preferred to take the “speed boat” for timing, comfort, and safety reasons.

Once you arrive in Nusa Penida, you can rent scooters directly at the landing stage or take a taxi to your hotel if you have large luggage. Please note that all hotels in Nusa Penida as well as in Bali offer scooter rentals !

What to do in Nusa Penida ?

Once very neglected by tourists, the Nusa Penida island is beginning to be of interest for many travelers. The proof is that, by the end of the year, almost all roads will be concreted … Yes, because we will talk about it, but for now the “roads” of Nusa Penida are a bit chaotic. We advise you to stay at least 2 nights in Nusa Penida. The island is very big and sometimes it takes a long time to get from point A to point B because of the roads state. We have prepared for you an itinerary with a detailed map at the end of the article !

With the construction of roads, tourism will soon grow faster and faster on Nusa Penida. We advise you to get there as soon as possible, before the island loses its soul… Before it’s too late to enjoy this feeling of being privileged.

Update May 2023 : during my recent stay in Bali, I noticed that the roads on Nusa Penida had improved quite a bit since I visited in 2018 ! There were more tourists than then, but fewer than on the main island of Bali. I’d advise you to get up very early to visit the points of interest or to go in the late afternoon. One thing to note : I found the island dirtier than it was back then, with lots of plastic in the water and on the beaches.

-> Find our detailed travel guide with 2 week and 3 week itineraries in Bali.

What to choose between Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan ?

You hesitate between the two islands ? Concretely, Nusa Lembongan is more developed. There are many luxury hotels on the island so your stay will be placed under the sign of relaxation. Nusa Penida is more oriented adventure… You need to enjoy exploring by scooter and let yourself be guided by the wind ? We told you : off the beaten track.

If you want to relax in a beautiful hotel, have easy access to beaches : choose Nusa Lembongan. If you dream of adventure, see amazing beaches with difficult access : choose Nusa Penida. For families with children, I would say that Nusa Lembongan is more suitable, as swimming at Penida is dangerous because of the currents.

Nusa Penida : what to do ? Visit Nusa Penida in 3 days

Snorkelling with manta rays in Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida’s seabed is magnificent. We saw hundreds of fish and 3 manta rays. For the excursion, don’t book a tour through an agency. Go directly to the ticket office in Crystal Bay to ask for a boat. We were alone on the boat and we paid 500 000 RP (30€) for Manta Bay (manta rays), Gamat Bay (beautiful fish) and Crystal Bay (very disappointing compared to Gamat Bay). The excursion lasts 1 hour and 30 to 2 hours. Go in the morning to have more chance to see manta rays. Ask your captain to do the tour in the opposite direction to avoid the crowd, so start with Gamat Bay.

There used to be fishermen who would take you for cheap on a snorkeling trip, but now they are no longer there. The business is well established with tourism which has surged.

snorkelling Nusa Penida

manta ray nusa penida

Sunset in Crystal Bay

Besides snorkeling, meet at Crystal Bay around 5pm for a beer/coconut on the beach to wait for the sunset. If you’re wondering what to do in Nusa Penida, don’t miss the sunset !

Puyung Beach, an intimate beach in Nusa Penida

Just off Crystal Bay is a slightly hidden beach that doesn’t get very crowded : Puyung Beach. Access is via a 1km walk through the jungle. It will take you around 15 minutes. Don’t forget to take something to eat and drink, as there’s nothing there ! For the moment, the place is wild.

Kelingking beach 

This is far from a hidden spot, as Kelingking Beach is the most visited spot on Nusa Penida. At the same time, it’s true that the scenery is magnificent. Be very careful going down the road on a scooter, and if you can’t manage it : finish on foot. I recommend going before 9/10am or after 4pm to avoid the crowds.

To get down to the beach below, you’re going to need all the motivation you can muster. The descent is already a bit difficult, so I won’t even mention the climb back up in the sun. If you’re not at all athletic or fragile, don’t go down. Finally, I’d advise you to wear trainers.

⚠️ Beware of very strong currents on the beach if you are swimming to refresh yourself, there have already been a few cases of drowning recorded. We therefore advise you to stay on board and not to play with the waves !

nusa penida beach


what to do in nusa penida

Broken Beach et Angel’s Billabong 

Two more must-see spots in Nusa Penida ! Both are in the same place. Broken Beach is this cliff with a hole in it and water below. You won’t be able to jump or swim because firstly, the currents are extremely dangerous and secondly, you won’t be able to go up.

Angel Billabong is also very pretty, and you can swim if you don’t get too close to the edge. However, don’t take the risk of going into the pool if there are waves because you could get swept away. We’ll let you discover this in a picture.

⚠️ The road is chaotic to get there (even more than to Kelingking Beach). Be VERY careful when scooting.

broken beach

nusa penida itinerary

Saren Cliff Point :

Much less touristy than the first three points of interest. There is an incredible view that will stretch out in front of you. To top it all off, a very “instagrammable” swing has been set up.  

what to do in nusa penida

saren cliff point

what to do in nusa penida

What to do in Nusa Penida ? Must-see places (continued)

Guyangan Waterfall 

Despite the name, it’s not really a waterfall. This temple hidden by the ocean is unusual. The blue stairs to get there are unique. The ascent of the steps is a bit sporty, especially with Kelingking Beach and a day of scooter in the legs.

1 400 steps and back

what to do in nusa penida bali

bali nusa penida

nusa penida bali what to do

Atuh Beach, Diamond Beach et Suwehan Beach :

Diamond Beach is, in my opinion, the most beautiful beach in Nusa Penida, although it is very busy. Once again, go early in the morning or at the end of the day if you want to enjoy it at your leisure ! It really is the kind of scenery you can’t see anywhere else. Getting there is also a bit sporty.

Atuh Beach is in the same place! You have to climb down some fairly steep steps to get there, but the path is well laid out.

🚶‍♀️ Like most tourist spots in Bali, you have to pay to get there (€2 or €3 per person), so always bring some cash with you !

You’ll find other magnificent landscapes in Munduk, to the north of Bali : what to do in Munduk in Bali ?

what to do to nusa penida

Itinerary to Nusa Penida in 3 days + map

You can’t do all this in one day. Allow at least 3 days to visit Nusa Penida and do all these places of interest. In 3 days, we were a little fast and it was a lot of scooter. So, 4 days is the ideal length to do the program on a comfortable way.

  • Day 1 – Arrival at the hotel and sunset at Crystal Bay
  • Day 2 – Morning Snorkeling Departure + Kelingking Beach + Broken Beach and Angel’s Billagong
  • Day 3 – Saren Cliff Point + Peguyangan Waterfall

If you can stay a 4th day, go to Suwehan Beach, Diamond Beach and Atuh Beach.

It is very usual to have no internet connection on the road. To avoid getting lost, download the application to access the GPS offline.

nusa penida itinerary

Where to sleep in Nusa Penida ?

There are now plenty of hotels on Nusa Penida offering excellent value for money! During my last stay, I stayed for 3 nights in a homestay at Putu’s Kuri Garden Cottage. I loved this place, its peace and quiet, the pool and the cleanliness of the room. Above all, Putu is an incredibly kind man and he did everything he could to organise our stay as well as possible. I would definitely recommend him for your trip to Nusa Penida !

-> Book your stay at Kuri Garden Cottage

Where to eat in Nusa Penida ?

You’ll also find lots of restaurants and beach bars on Nusa Penida. In 4 years, I’ve noticed that the island has developed a lot in this respect !

Places I tried out near my hotel that I liked :

  • The Chill Penida : super cool restaurant/bar with an infinity pool overlooking the ocean. Price : €€
  • Warung Nyoman Surgi : very good warung with lovely service from an elderly gentleman. I went there 2 or 3 times and he hugged us when we told him we were leaving the next day. Price : €.
  • Nomé Beach : beach club with a nice decor and a swimming pool. The food was decent and the service nice. However, the pool didn’t look very clean and the beach in front of it was full of rubbish. So I have mixed feelings about this place. Price : €€

visit Nusa Penida in 3 days

-> Organize your trip : Practical information to go to Bali

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate. Have a great day😁  !

what to do in Nusa Penida

nusa penida places of interest

nusa penida what to do

nusa penida






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